Dec 12, 2018

Visit Las Grietas - Galapagos Islands

Visit Las Grietas - Galapagos Islands

Las Grietas is a volcanic formation located in Puerto Ayora on Santa Cruz Island. To get here, first you must take a water taxi on Puerto Ayora dock with a cost of $0.80 per way. When you reach the other side shore after a 3 minute ride through the bay you will find the beginning of the road. You will cross by hotels and houses and passing by "La Playa de los Alemanes" This is a beach with calm waters in a small bay where you can enjoy a peaceful place.

las grietas galapagos
Las Grietas

playa de los alemanes galapagos
Los Alemanes Beach

Continuing by the path towards Las Grietas, you will go along a path of volcanic rocks and small iguanas crossing infront of you. Also, you can see endemic plants and the famous giant cactus called Opuntias.

las grietas galapagos

Interesting links 👇
3 Best Galapagos Islands Cruises:
opuntia cactus galapagos
Opuntia Catus

When you arrive at Las Grietas you have to register with the park ranger; From the high part you can see this wonderful place. Then, you descend through some wooden steps until you reach the water, here visitors can swim and snorkel.

las grietas Galapagos

Enjoy this amazing place!