Jul 3, 2018

Discover Quito

Discover Quito

Photo: ISAMI
Ecuador is more than the Galapagos Islands and Quito one of the most incredible cities in the world. It's located on an andean valley surrounded by mountains and volcanoes, The capital city of Ecuador with a mix of colonial and modern architecture, offers a facinating athmosphere fot those who visit the city.

The city's jewel is its "Old Town", a UNESCO World Heritage Site packed with colonial monuments and architectural treasures. Everyday life pulses along its handsomely restored blocks with 17th-century facades, picturesque plazas and magnificent art-filled churches.

Top places in Quito:

La Compañia de Jesús Church

Capped by green and gold domes, La Compañía de Jesús is Quito's most ornate church and a stansout among the baroque splendors of Old Town. This church has unique features, including its Moorish elements, perfect symmetry (right down to the trompe l'oeil staircase at the rear), symbolic elements (bright-red walls are a reminder of Christ's blood) and its syncretism (Ecuadorian plants and indigenous faces are hidden along the pillars).

Casa Museo Guayasamín

In the former home of the legendary painter Oswaldo Guayasamín (1919- 1999), this wonderful museum houses the most complete collection of the artist's work. Guayasamín was also an avid collector, and the museum displays his outstanding collection of pre-Columbian ceramic, bone and metal pieces. 


For spectacular views over Quito's montainous landscape, hop aboard this sky tram that takes passengers on a 2.5 km ride (10 minutes) up the flanks of Volcán Pichincha to the top of Cruz Lima. Once you are at the top (a mere 4100m) you can hike to the summit of Rucu Pichincha (4680m), a 4km (five-hour) round trip - you should ask about the safety situation and go with a qualified guide before attempting thbe climb, and bring warm clothes. You will need to start walking before 11am.

Catedral Metropolitana

On Plaza Grande's southwest side stands Quito's cathedral. Although not the most ornate of the Old Town's churches, it has some fascinating works by artists from the Quito School and houses the tomb of independence hero Antonio José de Sucre. Behind the main altar is a plaque marking where President Gabriel García Moreno died on August 6, 1875; after being slashed with a machete outside the Palacio de Gobierno, he was carried, dying, to the cathedral.

El Panecillo

Topped by a 41m tall aluminium mosaic statue of La Virgen de Quito (Virgin of Quito; completed in 1976), with a crown of stars, angelic wings and a chained dragon, the hill to the south of Old Town called El Panecillo (the little loaf of bread) is a major Quito landmark. From the summit there are marvelous views of the sprawling city and the surrounding colcanoes. Climb steps up to the base of the Virgin statue foe an even loftier outlook.

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