Aug 28, 2018

Three new snake species discovered in Galapagos

Three new snake species discovered in Galapagos

Scientists from Brazil, Argentina and Ecuador discovered three new snake species in the Galapagos archipelago, due to a study that started ten years ago.

The species are: “Pseudalsophis thomasi” y “Darwini” that reaches 25 centimeters and “Pseudalsophis hephestus” that reaches 50 centimeters, explained Mario Yanez, scientist of Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad (INABIO).

The color of the three new species are brown, this characteristic allows them to hide between rocks and dry vegetation of the archipelago, here there are two snake species: the big ones with 55 centimeters length and the small ones with 25 centimeters length.

This investigation headed by the Brazilian specialist Hussam Zaher, included a route in 2008 during 15 days in the islands and islets of the archipelago.

With this find that took place in Santiago and Santa Fe Islands and Tortuga Islet, add up nine the snake species in the archipelago, located 1000 kilometers from the Ecuadorian continental shore.

Aug 22, 2018

Ecuador eliminates health insurance

Ecuador eliminates Health Insurance as a requeriment

Foreign tourists entering to continental Ecuador will no longer need to contract health insurance, this is disposed by the Organic Law for Productive Development, Attraction of Investments, Employment Generation and Stability and Fiscal Equilibrium, which started on Tuesday 21st after its publication in the Official Registry.

Paragraph 1 of Article 44 provides for the repeal of the fifth paragraph of Article 56 of the Organic Law on Human Mobility, which established the compulsory nature of insurance for tourist migratory status as a requirement for entry into Continental Ecuador.

The removal of health insurance promoted by the head of the Ministry of Tourism, Enrique Ponce De León and that has had the full support of the President of the Republic, Lenin Moreno Garcés, seeks to maintain the country's tourism competitiveness without increasing costs for the people who come to enjoy Ecuador and thus support the receptive tourism industry of our country.

Aug 20, 2018

Galapagos Islands - Social thinking

Galapagos Islands - Social thinking

We are a tour operator committed with the Galapagos Islands, for this reason, we are involved in several ecologic programs in the Galapagos, in order to avoid plastic use and donating cruises to the highlights students in this way Galapagueños can meet no inhabited islands, something due to the economy is difficult for them.

Aug 17, 2018

Foreign tourists need a private medical insurance for entering to the Galapagos Islands

Foreign tourists need to contract a private medical insurance before entering to the Galapagos Islands

From November 1st 2018 tourists visiting Ecuador will need health insurance according to the Ecuadorian Government and Galapagos rules.

According to authorities, foreign tourists need to contract a private medical insurance before entering to the enchanted islands. In addition, foreign tourists will need to present hotel reservation in one or more tourist accommodation establishments legally authorized, to spend the night in the islands; or have an invitation letter from a permanent or temporary resident. National tourists also have new rules to enter to the archipelago. Ecuadorians do not need private insurance but they should present the hotel reservation or the invitation letter from a resident.

Private health insurance can be purchased by tourists from insurance companies that have the authorization, authorized companies will be published in the Technical Secretary website at the end of August 2018. The article 258 of the Ecuador Constitution, establishes that the Galapagos province will have a special government and its planning and development are organized in accordance with a strict adherence to the principles of conservation of the State´s natural heritage and good living, in accordance with what the law determines.

The administration of this special regime is in charge of a Government Council chaired by the representative of the Presidency of the Republic and composed by the mayors of the municipalities of the Galapagos province, representative of the parish boards and representatives of the agencies that determine the law. On its charge is the planning, management of the resources and the organization of activities carried out in the province.

According to this Government Council, the new regulations are supported by paragraph 11 of Article 11 of the Organic Law of Special Regime of the Galapagos, which empowers the Plenary of the Governing Council a regular procedure to control the flow of migration and residence in the province of Galápagos. Art. 49 of the Organic Law of Special Regime requires Health Insurance.

Foreign tourists, before entering the province of Galapagos, claim to have private health insurance, without prejudice to international agreements that are held on the matter of free mobility. Due to the special conditions of visit in the insular region (active tourism), the health insurance acquired by foreign tourists, to enter the islands, will need the authorization of the Galápagos Government Council.

Aug 14, 2018

Galapagos Cruises Testimonials

Galapagos Cruises Testimonials

Mary, a guest from California - United States tell us their experience at the Galaxy Cruise in the "Enchanted Islands" Galapagos - Ecuador.

Aug 1, 2018

South America's Leading Destination 2018

South America's Leading Destination 2018

The lovely Galapagos Islands, due to their diversity of flora, fauna and unique landscapes are nominated to South America´s Leading Destination 2018.
You can vote in this link: 👉