Aug 28, 2018

Three new snake species discovered in Galapagos

Three new snake species discovered in Galapagos

Scientists from Brazil, Argentina and Ecuador discovered three new snake species in the Galapagos archipelago, due to a study that started ten years ago.

The species are: “Pseudalsophis thomasi” y “Darwini” that reaches 25 centimeters and “Pseudalsophis hephestus” that reaches 50 centimeters, explained Mario Yanez, scientist of Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad (INABIO).

The color of the three new species are brown, this characteristic allows them to hide between rocks and dry vegetation of the archipelago, here there are two snake species: the big ones with 55 centimeters length and the small ones with 25 centimeters length.

This investigation headed by the Brazilian specialist Hussam Zaher, included a route in 2008 during 15 days in the islands and islets of the archipelago.

With this find that took place in Santiago and Santa Fe Islands and Tortuga Islet, add up nine the snake species in the archipelago, located 1000 kilometers from the Ecuadorian continental shore.

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