Aug 22, 2018

Ecuador eliminates health insurance

Ecuador eliminates Health Insurance as a requeriment

Foreign tourists entering to continental Ecuador will no longer need to contract health insurance, this is disposed by the Organic Law for Productive Development, Attraction of Investments, Employment Generation and Stability and Fiscal Equilibrium, which started on Tuesday 21st after its publication in the Official Registry.

Paragraph 1 of Article 44 provides for the repeal of the fifth paragraph of Article 56 of the Organic Law on Human Mobility, which established the compulsory nature of insurance for tourist migratory status as a requirement for entry into Continental Ecuador.

The removal of health insurance promoted by the head of the Ministry of Tourism, Enrique Ponce De León and that has had the full support of the President of the Republic, Lenin Moreno Garcés, seeks to maintain the country's tourism competitiveness without increasing costs for the people who come to enjoy Ecuador and thus support the receptive tourism industry of our country.

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